Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Crime Scene Investigation Honors Biology Class

Crime Scene Investigation in Honors Biology Class 

Honors Biology classes completed a “crime scene” like investigation relating to their Bio-engineering Unit.  In these pictures shown, the students are learning about “gel electrophoresis” a technique that uses electricity to separate fragments of DNA based on their size.  The students were then given samples of DNA from the crime scene, victim, and the two suspects.  

In groups of four, they loaded the gel with all of the DNA samples. The class instructors, Mr. Ader and Ms. Dougherty hooked up the gels to a machine that ran 120 volts of electricity through the gel for a short period of time. This allows the pieces of DNA to run through the gel. The next day the students had to analyze the gel to figure out which of the suspects' DNA samples matched the "crime scene" sample.  They were able to successfully identify the victim’s murderer.  Good work to our investigation team (students)!